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À propos de nous

M. Alexandre Legault est un consultant en qualité de l’air 

intérieur et environnement ayant une quinzaine d’années 

d’expérience spécialisée. 


En sa qualité d’expert, il a supervisé plus de 2000 

sites de décontamination de moisissures et d’amiante au Québec et en supervise en moyenne 250 par année. 


M. Legault est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en Arts et Sciences de l’Université Concordia à Montréal et a été 

formé par M. Rod Thorpe, chimiste et consultant en qualité de l’air intérieur sénior. Il a participé à plusieurs 

formations données par la SCHL dont:

  • le cour d’Investigateur en Qualité de l’air intérieur, 

  • le cour d'identification des spores microbiennes par microscopie analytique de l'Institut de Recherche McCrone à Chicago,

  • plusieurs formations sur l’amiante et la sécurité sur les chantiers.

Un service :

About Us

The company focuses on relationships of trust with its suppliers and customers. Healthy working relationships are also at the heart of LHB operations, as much for the well being of employees as for the customers, who are faced with unforeseen and often times, stressful contamination problems.

De confiance / Trust

Compétent / Competent

Courtois  / Courteous

Efficace / Efficient

Alexander Legault is the face of Legault Building Hygiene. He started his company in 2009 after leaving Enviroparfait, where over the course of 10 years, he combined the duties of supervisor in decontamination and inspector in air quality and environment.

After combining the duties of supervisor in decontamination and inspection/consultant in indoor air quality and environment for 15 years at Enviroparfait, Alexandre Legault then founded his company, LHB, at the request of his regular customers.

Alexandre Legault has been working as an investigator in indoor air quality and environment for the past 10 years. He oversees the work of internal and external decontamination sites as well as performs tests and other air quality control measures, such as collecting samples for identification of pollutants for business, residential, institutional and commercial clients.

Alexandre Legault completed a Bachelor of Arts and Science at Concordia University of Montreal  before pursuing studies in environmental coordination at Rosemont College, as well as successfully completing formal training from CMHC (the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation), such as “The problems of foundations, ” “Recognize Mould in Homes” and the course ”

Investigator in Indoor Air Quality “, which he completed in Toronto. He also took classes in safety and decontamination such as “safety equipment” with the firm Hazmasters and “Asbestos Removal” with the engineering firm Dalebozik & Associates. He also attended several conferences of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) in Montreal and studied specialized papers and literature, published in the indoor air quality field, in addition to networking with peers and various industry stakeholders (laboratories, building inspectors, industrial hygienists, etc.) on a regular basis.


Ongoing training is integral to the company’s mission and is the driving force to improve the overall knowledge and working methods of LHB staff. Indoor air quality is a relatively new industry and it is growing rapidly. As LHB desires to continue to improve as a company, we realize how important it is to keep abreast of the latest research and breakthroughs in the field to also be able to provide the best possible service.

Alexandre Legault began his career at Option consommateurs (Consumer Option), the largest consumer organization in Quebec, which trained him, in concert with the Energy Efficiency Agency of Quebec, Hydro-Quebec and Gaz Metropolitain, as an adviser on energy efficiency. He held this position for over 2 years and in this period; he helped over 1,000 families to increase their overall energy efficiency.

He was then offered a job at Enviroperfect, a company that specializes in indoor air quality and environment. With his practical mind and strong leadership skills, he quickly became a valuable team supervisor and was able to oversee hundreds of decontaminations over 10 years, during which he benefited from the expertise of his manager, Roderick Thorpe, a leading expert in indoor air quality in Quebec and North America, who, in the process, trained him in a wide variety of skills in this field.


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